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Code of Conduct

We are a company that provides smooth service with a smile. But what does this mean in practice? It means that we have clearly defined business processes to make things easy for our customers.

It means that we take care of the safety and well-being of our people, our suppliers and our partners. It means that we follow laws, regulations and good business practices. And it means that we always consider the environmental impacts of our operations as well. In essence, we want to preserve and further build the positive reputation of the name Ramirent. 

Code of Conduct details Ramirent’s way of operating in a responsible and prudent manner with all its stakeholders. This needs to be the foundation of our company and its operations. 

Let’s be proud of how we conduct business – always doing things in the right way, not taking risks which can tarnish our company’s reputation. And let’s do it smoothly and a smile on our faces. 

Whenever in doubt, ask yourself: 

Is it consistent with Ramirent’s Code of Conduct and Policies? 

Is it legal? 

Is it ethical? 

Would I want to read about it on “Morning News”? 

If the answer is “No”, then simply don’t do it! 

Download Ramirent Group Code Of Conduct