Construction company SRV is building the high rise area REDI in the heart of Helsinki’s Kalasatama district. The construction site spans an area of more than seven acres and dozens of floors, also reaching deep underground. Smooth cooperation between all parties at the site ensures that the work proceeds on schedule.
In the coming years, REDI will include eight high rises, the biggest mall in the downtown area and parking facilities for 2,000 cars. One indication of the huge scope is the fact that there are nearly a thousand SRV construction workers at the site every day. The work goes on around the clock, every day of the week. Construction started in April 2015, and the first part to be finished will be the mall, at the end of 2018. In the project, a proactive and target-oriented cooperation is in a central role, with all parties at the site pulling together.
Communication and close encounters
A staggering thousand different Ramirent products are in use at the REDI site, from hand-held drills to the biggest cranes. At times, the site features as many as 200 lifts and cranes. In addition, Ramirent supplies the site with temporary heating, weather protection and scaffolding.
Although each company and worker at the site is committed to delivering their part of the whole, interaction plays a major part in a project of this magnitude. The players in the construction business know each other. We are actively in touch with our customer and are present and easily reached at the construction site. Regular meetings with SRV as well as with other service providers ensure that everyone stays up to date. Everything must run smoothly, we accept nothing less.
In a long-term project, the needs of the site must be predicted as accurately and as far ahead as possible. This kind of prediction is possible because we keep ourselves constantly informed about the progress of the construction work and site operations. We make sure that daily tasks are carried out according to plan, but we also look to the future. We map out the equipment needed at the site as much as six months in advance to ensure everything is in place as the project advances. It is, after all, our job to recognize the needs of our customer and deliver the best and most suited machine rental solutions for each and every situation.
Safe and sound
Ramirent’s work at REDI is closely connected with work safety. When the construction site is crowded with hundreds of people from different companies and sturdy professional machinery, safety is of utmost importance. Innovative solutions make everyday work at the site more efficient while improving work safety.
All machines provided by Ramirent to the REDI site are equipped with the RamiSmart solution, which prevents the use of the machines without relevant qualification. The system allows only persons with the right qualifications to start the machines with a key card, and only machines equipped with RamiSmart are allowed at the site.
We at Ramirent are thrilled to participate in such an interesting construction project, building new homes in Helsinki as well as an amazing new center of experiences for citizens and tourists alike!